Sanford Fieldhouse
The Sanford Fieldhouse is the premier indoor sports facility for local, regional and national athletic training, soccer, baseball, softball, football and athletic performance programs. It is part of the Sanford Sports Complex campus in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Sanford Fieldhouse Doctors
Brett Fischer, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Natasha Hansen, RD, LRD
Nate Kirby, PT, DPT
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Adam Moen, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Brett Nowotny, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Matt Rollag, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Dale Schlimgen, PT, MPT
Physical Therapy
Josie Stockland, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy
Timothy Thompson, PA-C
Sports Medicine
Tyler Turbak, PT, DPT
Physical Therapy