Katherine Roberts FNP Family Medicine Walker MN

A Nurse Practitioner in Family Medicine

Katherine Miller is a family nurse practitioner in primary care.

She diagnoses and treats common illnesses and injuries, evaluates and performs diagnostic tests and conducts routine physical exams.

Katherine teaches nurse practitioner students at Sanford Health of Northern Minnesota.

Schedule your appointment online, any time

Your life is busy and you don't always have time to call your clinic to schedule an appointment during the day. With online scheduling, you can now book appointments for a variety of health care needs any time, day or night.

From your computer or mobile device, you can see when the doctor of your choice is available and pick a time that works best for you. Open Scheduling is currently available at select Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatric, Eye and Optical, Chiropractic, Podiatry and Travel Clinic locations.

To schedule an appointment with a provider you have seen in the last two years, click here.
To schedule an appointment with a provider you have not seen before, click here.

Speaks: English


Background Information

Ratings & Reviews

Real Experiences from Real Patients

You trust recommendations from real people. That's why we provide comments and star ratings from patients who answer our surveys after their visits to Sanford Health. Star ratings are based on a 0-100 point scale converted to 1-5 stars. Providers must have a minimum of 30 patient ratings to receive a formal rating.

About Our Survey