Dr. Gerald Fletcher specializes in gastroenterology.

Gerald Fletcher, MD

A Specialist in Gastroenterology Caring for Hospitalized Patients

Dr. Gerald Fletcher specializes in gastroenterology. Some of the conditions he treats include:

  • Acid peptic diseases
  • Chronic liver disease
  • Cirrhosis
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Diverticular disease
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease
  • Helicobacter pylori infection
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis
  • Viral hepatitis

Dr. Fletcher provides:

  • Colorectal cancer screenings
  • Foreign body retrieval
  • Hemorrhoid banding
  • Therapeutic and diagnostic endoscopy
  • Upper GI endoscopy

Speaks: English, Ga, Twi, Fanti


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